Because of the hard seeds though the aril is pleasant, consumption
of pomegranate has been a tedious and boredom process for centuries. But due to evolution of soft seeded
genotypes, there is a great increase in the consumption rate of this
Hard seeded types:
Kandhari : Fruits are large with deep red rind, aril
deep blood red or deep pink with sweet, slightly acidic juice. Seeds are very hard.
Musker Red
: Medium sized fruits with
medium thick red rinds. Aril is fleshy
with moderately sweet juice, seeds are medium hard.
Alandi or Vadki
: It possesses medium sized
red fruits, aril fleshy, blood red or deep pink with sweet acidic juice. Seeds are very hard.
Kabul :
Large fruits, dark red with yellow parches, aril dark red fleshy seeds hard
with slightly bitter juice.
Soft seeded types:
cultivar has large fruits with greenish white rind, whitish to pinkish white,
thick, juicy soft arils. It is the commercial
variety of Gujarat.
Paper Shell:
Medium sized fruits with thick rind; arils are fleshy, reddish to pink with
sweet juice. Seeds are soft.
Spanish Ruby :
It has medium sized fruits
with thin rind , flesh rose coloured and seeds are soft.
Originally it was identified
in Ganesh kind garden, Pune by raising OP seedlings of Alandi and
designated as GBG-1. Has medium
sized fruits, aril is pinkish with sweet juice. Seeds are very soft. Fruit surface smooth, yellow with red tinge,
round in shape average fruit weight 325 g, TSS 16.47%, acidity, 0.42% developed
at MPKVP, Rahuri, Maharshtra.
Jothi : (GKVK-1) At university of Agricultural Sciencs GKVK,
Campus, Bangalore, through an evaluation
of mixed OP seedlings of Bessein seedless and Dholka, a promising
type GKVK-1 was selected and released.
It possesses at attractive yellowish red fruit colour, medium sized
fruits, red aril colour and soft seeds.
Its yield potentials is 18 tonnes / ha.
Yercaud-1 (YCD-1) At Horticultural Research Station, Yercaud,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University one
superior type (ACC. No. 455) was selected with soft seeds and deep
purple aril color. This was found
suitable to mid elevation of Shevroys hills.
The fruits are medium in size with easily peelable rind. Each tree gives
100 – 120 fruits weighing 25 kg. The
average fruit weight is 350 - 400 gm.
It is a selection developed at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore with purple aril and soft seeds.
Miridula :
at MPKVP, Rahuri through seedlings selection from an open pollinated F
population raised after crosses make between Ganesh x Gul-e-Shah Red. Fruit surface smooth, dark red in colour,
round in shape. Fruit weight about 250 g
juice sweet, TSS 16.32%, acidity 0.47%.
Seeds soft than Ganesh.
A multiple cross hybrid developed at IIHR, Bangalore for
aril colour and seed mellowness. The
hybrid develops dark red arils in winter and dark pink or red aril in summer
whereas in Ganesh even though the pink or dark pink aril is developed in
winter, it is almost white in summer.
Ruby derived certain fruit quality attributes from Ganesh, while genes
for red colour of the aril was incorporated from a Russian variety ‘Gulsha
Rose Pink’. The fruit skin colour is
reddish brown with green streaks. Rind is thin, arils are bold
(37.2 g/100 arils), seed soft (2.19 kg/cm2) each fruit weighs on an average 270
g. Yield is 16 – 18 tonnes/ha.
is an F1 hybrid (Ganesh x Nana) grows well under tropical climate. With quality fruit attributes Amlidana is
superior to sour variety Daru whose trees come up naturally in temperate
regions of North India. Its fruits
provide more acidic (16.18%) ‘anardana’ an acidulant commercial product
prepared by drying the arils of highly acidic pomegranate which is commercially
marketed as condiment in North India for use in culinary preparations which
serves the purpose of dried green mango (amachur) and tamarind for
souring curry, chutney etc. This hybrid
fruits weigh 120 g each with pink bold arils.
It yields 56 fruits / tree. Trees
are short statured and hence suited for HDP which will give higher fruit yield
/ unit area.
ACI Agro Solution
ISO 22000-2005,ISO 9001:2008, FSSAI, SSI, Seeds, Spice Board Of India, WHO GMP & NPOP, USDA, SGS organic certified.
Add.: J-507, AB, Sarna Dungar Industrial Area JAIPUR (RAJ.) 302012
MOB NO. +91-7597920642, +91 9414246808, +91-9314507433 (Neeraj Bhatnagar)
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